Why Should You Read This Blog?

I wanted to start a blog and I recently found out that we’re having our first child. I decided to use that as an excuse to just start the blog and figure out some of the finer details later. If I don’t do something now, it will become one of those projects that slips away and gets forgotten.

What is Well Rounded Incrementals?

I’m tired of online content that draws me in and makes just enough sense for me to buy into it. I don’t want a life hack, one simple trick or shortcuts to a dream life. I want to learn and experience things incrementally in ways that make sustainable improvements in my life.

Why Should You Read This Blog?

I don’t really have an answer to that. I have no experience writing content for a blog. I’m not the richest or most successful person. I’m not a life coach or guru. Simply, there are so many areas of life I’d like to learn more about, try out and improve. Life is short. This blog and anyone who reads it serves as accountability and a reason to keep moving forward. I hope it helps some of you, but really, this blog is for me.

If, somehow, that piqued your interest, you can check out the home page here.